Easing us gently into the forthcoming weekend, Max Boyle drops his sexy and subdued new single “Bad For Me”. Brimming with gritty guitar strings, raspy reverbs and honey-suckled vocals, the Nashville-based artist ensures that every drop of his lyrical prowess is accounted for — making for an effort that is at once danceable, seductive and loop-worthy. Delving deep into the universal excitement experienced when falling for someone that we know is no good, Max Boyle becomes our latest guilty pleasure, and we are already craving another hit.
Speaking further on “Bad For Me”, Boyle imparts, “It’s about how sometimes we can get hooked on to people we know are bad for us, yet we succumb to going back to them anyways because we like the feel of being with someone, not being alone, the highs that can come with it even if there are a lot of lows. Basically, it’s how we can get addicted to someone we know isn’t good for our overall well-being, but just like taking a drug, we enjoy the highs and still end up craving that person.”
A well-established musician in his own right, Max Boyle looks to end the year with the highly-anticipated drop of his EP whilst also preparing for a live performance on August 30th at Huntington Center in his hometown. Until then, however, you can stream the track by heading below…