Berlin-based singer-songwriter Hannes Volz, aka Puelo, has just made his indie folk debut with “Reminder,” an introspective track that is bound to resonate with many listeners. While this is his first song under the Puelo moniker, he is certainly no stranger to performing, having toured with Provinz and collaborated with a substantial list of other artists, including Mougleta, Chaël, Charlotte Jane, and THALA.

Reminder” starts us off with an earful of acoustic guitar, accompanied by some soft percussion. Moments later, we are joined by Volz’s soothing voice and hints from the drum kit that the song is going to be relatively upbeat– it is most assuredly not as dark as our usual dose of folk music. Both the tempo and Volz’s vocal delivery combine to make this one of the most gentle feel-good songs that we’ve heard all year. This track reinforces the idea that we should never underestimate the power of music to brighten a mood.

The sort of daily-affirmation-break-down that occurs at around the ninety-second point is catchy as all hell and will likely be the part that you sing to your friends when you ask them if they’ve heard the new Puelo song– it is actually the point where we knew that “Reminder” had to go on the blog. The message within this song, that ‘perfection is overrated,’ will likely hit home with a lot of music lovers and music makers alike. It serves as a gentle ‘reminder’ of why many find themselves making music in the first place.

Perhaps it’s all the time that Volz has spent in the biz that has led to Puelo’s debut being such an ear worm, but “Reminder” is going to find itself on many people’s feel-good playlists and we would not be surprised if it landed a sync deal by summer’s end. Once you’ve heard it, we know that you’ll agree.